Friday, December 28, 2007


“If I could sell a guarantee for love, I would be a millionaire,” a friend of mine said to me during a discussion on love. I agreed with him, knowing that there is no other force, as fickle and unpredictable but as powerful and miracle working, as love. I may not be an authority on love, but I have spent much of my time trying to fathom the deep workings of this mysterious power. The power that will make a man lift a 2 ton car to free his wife underneath, the power that can drive a man insane shooting up a shopping mall just to bring back his wife who has passed away.

This power may have worked its wonders through many of us; however we fail to see its magic. We fail to understand that this power is not to be taken for granted. Divorce rates are rising, premarital sex is considered acceptable, relationships are just a staple part of a teenager’s life without the passion and the feelings involved. Has love really left us? Have we really lost the power to truly love another? I myself am guilty of the heinous crime of the debauchery of love. I have committed many sins myself that I am not proud of. However, recently, I have been reminded that love holds no grudge against the people that has forsaken it. I am glad my eyes have been open and I intend to keep it that way.

We walk along the streets seeing couples holding hands, sharing passionate kisses on buses, making out in cars. How many of them know what true love is? My guess is few. How many of them will one day realize what true love is? “Two six year old kids can share as much love for 5 minutes as two forty year olds can experience in a life time,” My guess? Not many. Career, money, friends, hectic lifestyles, materialism, consumerism has taken over as driving forces in our lives. Love has been pushed into the background and left alone. The ending “Happily ever after,” now has several suffixes such as: “They lived happily ever after, until he ran out of money,”, “They lived happily ever after, until he found a mistress,” Where people once lived for love, they now do so for material objects, the newest iPod, the biggest car, the biggest house, the biggest prostrate. Love from a lady is now dependent on your spending power. People now get married for the added bonuses that the government gives you. Ability to buy a house, ability to take maternity leave, cash bonuses on your child are offered if you get married. What happened to being married because you love someone?

Teenagers are not spared either. On internet chat channels, guys ask for sex and girls ask for money. What happens in the end - Sex for money? Promiscuity has invaded the lifestyles of teenagers. Where sex used to be a sacred act between 2 people in love, it is now defaced by testosterone pumped guys who can’t keep their hands to themselves and girls looking for a way to fulfill their curiosity. Chastity has gone straight out the window. It doesn’t stop there. Where dates used to be just you, me and a picnic mat, it is now the standard to go for a movie, or shop, or do some activity that would hinder the communication between 2 people anyway. Where lovers used to create their own paradise anywhere, now there are “romantic hotspots” like esplanade and Clark Quay. How can a place be romantic when there are thousands of other couples smooching just 5 meters away?

However, I may be wrong. Love might have evolved over the ages to something that we see between couples nowadays. Love may mean something else. Perhaps it is me that needs a perspective adjustment. After all it is me that has been disillusioned by the many failures I have had in love. I still believe that true love can be found through much effort, namely trying to make it work with different people. I still believe that love at first sight exists and people do not have to know the person for 912379123 days to actually have a relationship with them. I still believe that sitting down at a poolside and just enjoying each other’s company is a good date, perhaps the best date. I still believe that there should be no reason why someone loves another, for when a truth that cannot be spoken appears between two people, saying anything about it will spoil the magic. I still believe that absence does not make the heart grow fonder, that people truly in love will look at their loved one the same way for fifty years or more even if they see each other everyday. I still believe.

Call me a traditionalist, call me a lecher, call me a romantic, call me a flirt, I stand by my principles and my beliefs. I believe that I see love from a different perspective as the world. My intentions are pure, but my body is not. I am a flawed person. My principles, however solid they are in me, will not uphold this broken body, this body corrupt with greed, hedonistic desires and arrogance. My heart may be pure, but my mind is diseased. I may be good at giving advice to people in need of it, but I can never hold a proper relationship myself. Sometimes I do feel that I would not love again, to spare the people around me. But sometimes I also do feel that perhaps this mind is not as corrupted as I thought it would be.

People may call me hypocritical for the ideas I preach, I do admit that I am a hypocrite, that I should practice what I preach. But how harmful is it to read something that makes you realize your actions and enables you to change? After all, my credibility is not in the equation as people are looking inwards at themselves. Facts and figures will remain facts and figures no matter how hard you twist them. The truth will appear sooner or later even if people try to veil their eyes from it. I have merely stated what has been going on in our society, it is up to people to believe it or not.

Or, I may be just talking out of my ass and have no idea what I'm saying.

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